CALM “The Last Photo” awarded Film Grand Prix at Cannes Lions

We were honoured to see CALM “The Last Photo,” cut by James Rosen, awarded the Grand Prix in Film at last week’s Cannes Lions closing awards ceremony.

CALM “The Last Photo” awarded Film Grand Prix at Cannes Lions

We were honoured to see CALM “The Last Photo” awarded the Grand Prix in Film at last week’s Cannes Lions closing awards ceremony – congrats to director Max Fisher, the team at adam&eveDDB and cain&abelDDB & everyone involved on this important project.

Editor James Rosen had this to say about the prestigious win:

“I’m extremely proud and grateful to have worked on this important film. It was an exercise in pure restraint, knowing the craft had to play second fiddle to such a powerfully simple concept. I’m confident we succeeded, sometimes less really is more. Congratulations to everyone involved.”

We were also thrilled to see so many projects cut by our editors celebrated and awarded throughout the festival – other winners at the 70th Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity included:

CALM: The Last Photo – cut by James Rosen

Film: Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility – Grand Prix

Brand Experience & Activation: Sponsorship & Brand Partnership – Gold

Brand Experience & Activation: Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility – Silver

Health & Wellness: Brand-led Education & Awareness – Gold & Silver

Dove: The Cost of Beauty – cut by Jim Helton & Ashley Kreamer

Film Craft: Script – Bronze

Film Craft: Casting – Silver

Social and Influencer: Social film – Gold

Health and Wellness: Brand-led Education and Awareness –  Gold & 2 Silver

Apple: Quiet the Noise – cut by Joe Guest

Film Craft: Direction – Bronze

Film Craft: Achievement in Production – Bronze

McDonald’s: Raise Your Arches – cut by David Webb

Film: Retail – Bronze

Social & Influencer: Organic Reach & Influence – Bronze

Brand Experience & Activation: Social Behaviour – Silver

Squarespace: The Singularity – cut by Dan Sherwen

Film Craft: Direction – Bronze

Film: Consumer Services / Business to Business – Silver

Ladbrokes: Rocky – cut by Rick Russell

Film Craft: Achievement in Production – Bronze

Film Craft: Visual Effects – Silver

Coca-Cola: Christmas Always Finds its Way – cut by Patrick Colman, Adriana Legay & Antonio Gómez-Pan

Entertainment: Brand Partnerships, Sponsorships & Collaborations – Silver